Current North Dakota Real Estate Income, Sales, and Trends

Graphic of ND Residential Statistics showing various housing data for North Dakota including a homeownership rate of 65.1%, total housing units at 370,642, and a median gross rent of $863, along with a breakdown of housing value percentages in different price ranges.

The typical salaries for real estate brokers in North Dakota vary depending on numerous factors. One of the biggest is how long you have been working.

Veteran real estate agents have more credibility (usually) and more access to clients and knowledge. Other factors include the health of the property market, the geographic region they represent, and specialization.

Real estate agents also make money in different ways. Some make small commissions on many properties, while others, particularly those dealing with luxury homes or commercial real estate, might collect significant commissions.

What’s the Usual Earning Level for Real Estate Agents in North Dakota?

According to some estimates, the average real estate agent salary in North Dakota is $100,000, with a range between $73,000 and $134,000 a year. This number is on par with the average US income for a real estate agent, and, for a full-time job, works out to approximately $50.00 per hour.1

Again, this number will change depending on the type of real estate agent you are, but in general, it is a very lucrative industry.2

Many real estate agents also enjoy the lifestyle. They get to meet people and are often outside an office while negotiating and coordinating deals.

This lifestyle is extremely attractive to many, and the high earnings make it a popular career.

Rejuvenating Your Real Estate License and Interstate Agreements in North Dakota

For North Dakota real estate agents, the license must be renewed every year, regardless of whether you are a salesperson or broker. All licenses expire on 31 December each year.

Agents have until 15 January to renew. If the deadlines are missed, you will have to reapply for a real estate license.

The good news is you can register to renew online.

Continuing education requirements for renewal are 12 hours of North Dakota Real Estate Commission-approved courses. These can include contract law, agency law, marketing, and more.

This should be completed ideally a week before the license expiration, in order to allow time for processing.

The renewal application is relatively simple and includes standard documentation and modest fees, which can change at the discretion of the state office.

In conclusion, becoming a real estate agent in the state of North Dakota is a relatively simple and straightforward process. The beauty of it is that it is a high-paying career with a relatively low barrier to entry.

You do not even need a GED. What you do need are the time and money to invest into coursework, and the ability to pass your course and the state exam.

You will also need to qualify for the age and criminal history components of the state application. You can go from a regular person to a certified real estate agent in under 6 months!

Most other high-paying careers such as medicine or law require years of schooling and investment for that kind of return.

This is what makes real estate such an amazing opportunity for those who want to create financial security for themselves and their families.


1Zippia, Inc. (2023). REAL ESTATE AGENT SALARY IN NORTH DAKOTA. Zippia. Retrieved November 2, 2023, from <>

2U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2023, April 25). Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics Search Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics. Real Estate Agents. Retrieved November 10, 2023, from <>